Adidas is one among the largest sportswear companies which sell sports clothing and equipment. Their sports footwear range is the most popular with famous athletes endorsing them. They design many sports-specific shoes with characteristics that vary according to the particular sport. Adidas shoes are recognised by their trademarked three diagonal lines on the shoe. The company also makes a line of casual footwear for everyday usage.
Adidas shoes
is best known for their football shoes. The company is a regular sponsor of the World Cup and all their products are endorsed by renowned footballers. All football shoes form the brand have some common features. They are lightweight and are made out of leather. These are provided with cleats that help the player keep his balance while running on soft ground. The weight of the shoes is reduced with the use of plastic on the cleat and bottom sole.

Adidas is a preferred choice among professional runner for their comfort and cushioning. The lightweight design of the football shoe is added cushioned soles as a replacement to the hard plastic ones and also the heel of the shoes is slightly increased to offer better support. They also make small running shoes designed for track and field competitions. These are similar to football shoes but have less cushioning and smaller soles on their lightweight design which is suitable for running short distances.
Basketball shoes from the brand are specifically designed for speed in the court. These have smooth and thick soles which allow the player to glide across the court. The shoes have a padded design for extra ankle protection required for smoother footwork. These extremely comfortable shoes can be worn for hours without any stress to the player’s feet. The casual shoe line from Adidas ranges from sneakers to sandals. These are ideal for a casual day at work as well as for a fun weekend. Comfort and style is given more importance in the design of casual shoes. These have flat soles which are ideal for walking. The material used for manufacturing casual shoes ranges from canvas to leather. Adidas sandals also provide the ultimate comfort. These have small rounded plastic points on the upper sole of the shoe which massages the wearer’s feet while walking.
When buying adidas shoes online, there are certain factors like purpose, fit and style to consider for making good choices. Most of the Adidas shoes are designed for a specific sport. The choice of an athlete varies according to the nature of his respective sport and the style he prefers. Track and field shoes should be used only for short runs and competitive events while joggers and long distance runners should prefer running shoes. Cross trainers with thick soles are ideal for those who like to run outdoors. After selecting a particular style, one should confirm that it fits their feet perfectly. A wrong-sized shoe can injure the foot as well as will hinder the movement of the foot muscles causing not to perform well on the field.
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