Woodland’s historical legacy and inception began in Quebec, Canada a couple of decades ago and to this day, stands to be one of the most recognized manufacturers of outdoor gear for men and women. Maintaining its mantra of Explore More, the brand, which has a tree as its logo, raises the bar when it comes to outdoor and adventure sports worldwide, however focuses its attention on sustainability and conservation. A go-to brand for outdoor enthusiasts, this brand boasts of a wide range of footwear, clothing and outdoor gear. Woodland is renowned for its extensive use of top-of-the-notch raw materials to create products with finesse. The fine-spun combination of technology, innovation and design gets together to result in robust, reliable and hardy products that Woodland produces. Driven by the aim to offer a high degree of functionality for the user or the indi
vidual, Woodland infuses its meticulous craftsmanship to ensure that the customer experiences lasting durability and reliability with the products that they use.
One of the chief features of Woodland’s outstanding brand image is that it boasts of its very own integrated manufacturing facilities where testing and developing is done within the confines, to produce nothing but the best. Furthermore, the brand also has its foot in seven other countries to help assemble the product by renowned manufacturers. Without compromising on quality or functionality, the brand has constantly strived to attain the best in the outdoor-wear industry. A standardized quality parameter is maintained and ecological footprint is minimized by several degrees so that very little effect is experienced by the environment.
Woodland’s dedication to footwear has extended to aesthetically designed biodegradable footwear. This set of footwear features cutting-edge innovation by employing eco-friendly materials such as crepe rubber, vegetable tanned leather, latex foam, cellulose and cotton. Besides, the brand firmly believes in the concept of Reuse and recycle and that has been infused into the company’s
In the wide range of woodland shoes that Woodland boasts of, there are footwear classified into casual woodland shoes, travelling shoes, hiking shoes, trekking shoes and climbing shoes. No matter what kind of a surface or a terrain that you tread on, Woodland has a pair to effectively maneuver the toughest and most rugged surfaces that one can imagine. Besides ensuring unrivaled comfort in its outdoor gear, Woodland is also one of the first companies in India to launch the cooling technology in their footwear and clothing so that the individual can brave extreme weather conditions without a fuss.
With the boom of e-commerce sites, you can purchase a wide range of Woodland shoes and also categorically select the kind of shoe that you require. With easy payment options such as cash on delivery, card on delivery and net banking, you can have the product delivered at your doorstep.
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